What is CRM in 2024? Continuing the Conversation. A CRM Playaz Convo

December 10, 2023

The conversation that will start Thursday December 7th with executives from leading vendors in the #CRM/ #CX industry will continue with a whole new panel of executives from more industry leading vendors, including:

Shampa Bagchi - Founder & CEO, ConvergeHub

Tara Dezao - Product Marketing Director, AdTech and MarTech, Pegasystems

Jason Miller - Vice President of RevOps & Sales Enablement, Creatio

Clint Oram - Cofounder and Chief Strategy Officer, SugarCRM

Vijay Sundaram - Chief Strategy Officer, Zoho

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CRM Playaz Executive Roundtable is a premier network event. Five senior tech executives address high profile topics of interest to the business world, and in the future the world of the consumer. Highly participatory, the audience gets to ask questions via the 90–120-minute livestream. These are deeply engaging between the audience questions and dialogue with the execs and each other and the very opinionated execs themselves. Brent and Paul stay out of the way, so they don't get hurt by the shrapnel.